Robert king merton

He spent most of his career teaching at Columbia University, where he attained the rank of University Professor. Merton was born Meyer R. He coined several phrases that entered into common parlance, including self-fulfilling prophecy and unintended consequences. His contributions have sparked research on deviant behavior, or studies of criminality.

The Travels and Adventures of Serendipity: A Study in Sociological Semantics and the Sociology of Science by Robert K. In conceiving of society as a system it becomes natural to see it, like other systems, as composed of parts that are interrelated and whose operations have consequences on the whole. Social Theory And Social Structure by Robert K. Internet Archive HTMLUploader 1. He was also a leading interpreter of responsible functional analysis, of major social factors in scientific development, and of underlying and unanticipated strains in modern society. The Sociology of Science: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations”, p. University of Chicago Press Copy quote The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior which makes the originally false conception come true.

He also coined many other phrases that have gone into everyday use, such as role model and unintended consequences. This article appeared in the Obituary section of the print. He took advantage of the culture riches surrounding him by frequenting nearby cultural and educational venues when he was in High School.

Robert king merton

His influential essay ‘ Puritanism, Pietism and Science ’ (PPS), showed just what he meant when it came to Max Weber. Harvard University he went on to serve as a professor across the states. This was just one of his theories which gained prominence amongst Social Science circles and beyond.

In criminology, the strain theory describes social structures inside society that may support people to carry out crime. Incompatible normative expectations of attitudes,. A disjuncture within the cultural system between the Goals (values).

Robert king merton

A Sorokin , yang mengorientasikan lebih luas pada pemikiran sosial Eropa. Philadelphia as Meyer Schkolnick, grad. His majority of life was spent as a professor at Columbia University.

He was awarded many awards regarding the contribution he made in the field of sociology of science. He was the son of immigrants from Eastern Europe and. As his skill improve he sought a stage name, initially “Merlin. Full text of Robert K. SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND ANOMIE ROBERT K. Robert Hooke, a socially mobile individual whose rise in status rested solely on his scientific achievements, was notably “litigious. Marked by the commercialism of the wider society though it may be, a profession such as medicine accepts scientific knowledge as common property.

Robert king merton

Removal of the convent. By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Columbia Remembers Renowned Sociologist and National Medal of Science Winner Robert K. Renowned Columbia Sociologist and National Medal of Science Winner Robert K. His work shaped the discipline for more than a half century. Nobel Prize winning Sociologist.

His works included Sociological theory, metho and research.


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